
Parents and Citizens' Association


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​P&C Executive Committee 2025

President: Catherine Curtis

Vice President: Don Mackintosh

​Vice President: Alice Toon

Treasurer: Leah Orr

Secretary: Leisa Williams

Annual General Meeting: 11 March 2026

P&C General meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6.30 pm in the Resource Centre – everyone welcome, including new members. Please note that P&C meetings are not held during the school holidays.


Parents and Citizens Association

Actions always speak louder than words when it comes to valuing your child’s learning. Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do.

A lot can and has been achieved through the P&C and school working together towards common goals. To continue this work, the P&C needs people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to improving outcomes for our children and school.

The more people involved, the more exciting and successful it will be.


We encourage P&C members to attend our monthly meetings, however we understand that is not always possible. As a P&C member you will receive emails of the minutes from P&C meetings and information regarding events and activities occurring at school. It is a great way to keep informed regarding what is happening at our school.

The P&C newsletter 'The Buzz' is distributed each term to keep all parents updated regarding P&C activities.

A voice

P&C membership is voluntary. Membership gives you voting rights and the opportunity to be involved in the future direction of the school. The P&C ratifies school policies, funding and strategic planning documents. 

Friendship and community

The P&C monthly meetings are a friendly gathering of people who share the common goal of caring for our school. Refreshments are served, and it is a lovely opportunity to get to know other parents. 

The functions of a P&C are:

  • To encourage closer cooperation between parents, members of the community, staff and students.
  • To provide advice and recommendations to the Principal on issues and concerns in respect to the student body and the general operations and management of the school.
  • To provide or assist in the provision of financial or other resources and services for the benefit of students of the school.
  • To participate in any committee or other body comprising members of the school and wider community, which will contribute to the general benefit of students at the school.

Each year the P&C pledges money to the school to assist in funding a variety of school activities such as excursions, incursions and special events. Money is also pledged to assist with purchasing resources such as technology equipment.

We have five main sub-committees: Outside School Care Association (OSCA), Fundraising, Uniform Shop, Tuckshop and Grants.


The P&C endeavours to support a variety of school programs. Some of our achievements are:

  • Air-conditioning of A Block in 2019.
  • Successful application for $20 000 for Local Schools Community
  • Soft fall for play area accessed by school and OSCA students.
  • Management of the OSCA before and after school and vacation care program.
  • Ongoing yearly support of the school's unique events including Celebremos, Music Concerts, School Disco and Welcome Barbeque.
  • Tuckshop improvements.
  • Air-conditioning and interactive whiteboards for classrooms
  • Support for the  sports programs through purchasing new equipment/instruments.
  • Support for the literacy program through purchase of readers and other literacy and numeracy resources for the Resource Centre
  • Support of SEL program through subsidising the purchasing of class materials and programs.
  • Financial contribution towards the purchase of computers and tablets.
  • Introduction and development of Active School Travel Program.
  • Self funded and income producing 'Cafe Dunellan' as an ongoing fundraising initiative.
  • Funding for annual Working Bee
  • Funding for 'The Hive', a Library Outdoor Learning Area
  • Funding for 'High hopes for Greenslopes' mural

​How to join the P & C Association

Fill out the application form on this website.  Return it to before the AGM in March or bring it along to a meeting and you're officially part of our P & C.​

Last reviewed 21 March 2025
Last updated 21 March 2025