P&C Executive Committee 2025
President: Catherine Curtis
Vice President: Don Mackintosh
Vice President: Alice Toon
Treasurer: Leah Orr
Secretary: Leisa Williams
Annual General Meeting: 11 March 2026
P&C General meetings: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6.30 pm in the Resource Centre – everyone welcome, including new members. Please note that P&C meetings are not held during the school holidays.
Contact: greenslopespandc@gmail.com
Parents and Citizens Association
Actions always speak louder than words when it comes to valuing your child’s learning. Joining the P&C is one of the best ways to show your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do.
A lot can and has been achieved through the P&C and school working together towards common goals. To continue this work, the P&C needs people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to improving outcomes for our children and school.
The more people involved, the more exciting and successful it will be.
We encourage P&C members to attend our monthly meetings, however we understand that is not always possible. As a P&C member you will receive emails of the minutes from P&C meetings and information regarding events and activities occurring at school. It is a great way to keep informed regarding what is happening at our school.
The P&C newsletter 'The Buzz' is distributed each term to keep all parents updated regarding P&C activities.
A voice
P&C membership is voluntary. Membership gives you voting rights and the opportunity to be involved in the future direction of the school. The P&C ratifies school policies, funding and strategic planning documents.
Friendship and community
The P&C monthly meetings are a friendly gathering of people who share the common goal of caring for our school. Refreshments are served, and it is a lovely opportunity to get to know other parents.
The functions of a P&C are:
- To encourage closer cooperation between parents, members of the community, staff and students.
- To provide advice and recommendations to the Principal on issues and concerns in respect to the student body and the general operations and management of the school.
- To provide or assist in the provision of financial or other resources and services for the benefit of students of the school.
- To participate in any committee or other body comprising members of the school and wider community, which will contribute to the general benefit of students at the school.
Each year the P&C pledges money to the school to assist in funding a variety of school activities such as excursions, incursions and special events. Money is also pledged to assist with purchasing resources such as technology equipment.
We have five main sub-committees: Outside School Care Association (OSCA), Fundraising, Uniform Shop, Tuckshop and Grants.
The P&C endeavours to support a variety of school programs. Some of our achievements are:
Air-conditioning of A Block in 2019.
Successful application for $20 000 for Local Schools Community
Soft fall for play area accessed by school and OSCA students.
Management of the OSCA before and after school and vacation care program.
Ongoing yearly support of the school's unique events including Celebremos, Music Concerts, School Disco and Welcome Barbeque.
Tuckshop improvements.
Air-conditioning and interactive whiteboards for classrooms
- Support for the sports programs through purchasing new equipment/instruments.
Support for the literacy program through purchase of readers and other literacy and numeracy resources for the Resource Centre
Support of SEL program through subsidising the purchasing of class materials and programs.
Financial contribution towards the purchase of computers and tablets.
Introduction and development of Active School Travel Program.
Self funded and income producing 'Cafe Dunellan' as an ongoing fundraising initiative.
Funding for annual Working Bee
Funding for 'The Hive', a Library Outdoor Learning Area
Funding for 'High hopes for Greenslopes' mural
How to join the P & C Association
Fill out the application form on this website. Return it to greenslopespandc@gmail.com before the AGM in March or bring it along to a meeting and you're officially part of our P & C.