Diary dates - Prep 2025
Prep 2025 enrolling now!
Children born between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020 are eligible to enrol in Prep in 2025, Education Queensland's online calculator will assist you to determine if your child is eligible for Prep in 2025 or beyond.
Do you reside in our catchment? The school catchment area map will assist you to determine your local school.
If your child is eligible for Prep in 2025, please contact our Enrolment Officer on 3421 2333 or via email at
enrolment@greenslopesss.eq.edu.au Enrolment packages for Prep 2025 students will be available in Term 3.
To enrol at Greenslopes State School you will need to provide originals of the following documents when the enrolment officer advises (i.e. on the completion of the enrolment package):
Birth certificate
Proof of
residential address
o Primary source (one of these documents to be provided) - Current lease
(signed general tenancy agreement) OR Rates Notice OR Unconditional Sale
agreement AND
o Secondary source - Utility
bill (electricity, water or gas)
If born overseas we
will also need to sight the applicable passport, visa, Australian Citizenship,
Authority to enrol from EQI or other relevant documents for both parent and child
Dependent on when the application for enrolment is submitted, up to date proof of residency may be requested prior to commencing enrolment at the beginning of the 2025 school year. Our enrolment officer will inform you if it is necessary for this documentation to be presented.
If you would like information on vacation care or before or after school care, please visit our Outside School Care Association's website
Catchment and waiting list forms are available in the 'related links' on this page. Please contact our enrolment officer should you require further information on registering for Prep 2025. We look forward to welcoming you to our Greenslopes State School community.